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Writer's pictureDawn Morgan

Tinker Toys 2.0

Remember Tinker Toys and Lincoln Logs? Some of my favorite playtime memories include those two sets-- open-ended play but still the option to follow a pattern for sure success.

What's next? Tinkering-- there are amazing plans scientists can follow to build all kinds of things, from battery powered cars or boats to windmills to hydroponic setups and pulley systems. I'd love to see someone build a Rube Goldberg machine this summer!

The first two camps of the summer are Tinker Camps-- June 3rd from 1:00-3:30 for grades 3-5 and Monday June 10 from 1:00-3:30 for grades K-2. Could older or younger students join? Generally speaking, yes! Older students will enjoy the freedom to build at their own pace and with their own ideas; younger students will learn hands-on how different tools and materials work (or don't).

Sign up now for the limited spots! See you this summer!

~Mrs. Morgan

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